This means that emails sent to either address will still reach your mailbox instead of one of them no longer working. Next, set up an alias as in the first step, but this time set up your old email address as the alias.To set up your new address as your main contact email, log into your existing account and make your new address in our example) into your Primary Address.Ie if you have changed your name from Jane Smith to Jane Doe, emails to will still reach you, as will emails to When you send an email, it will show as having been sent by could leave it here, but if you’d rather your new address be the one you log in with and have it show up in the “from” field of emails you send, follow the next step. Once in place, this will ensure that all emails sent to your new address will also reach the inbox of your already existing account. This should be the address you want to eventually become your new primary address. Set up an email alias address different to your existing address.You’ll then need to follow these instructions: In order to change a user’s email address, either the user concerned (if it is a personal account) or an Office 365 administrator will need to be logged into the relevant account. When you’re using Office 365 it is possible to change a user’s email address without the fear of losing past or future email correspondence and the hassle of transferring all previous data over to a new account. It is sometimes necessary to change a user’s email address, usually due to a name change or change in job title.